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MiniShot Series Kits 2+1 FREE
Free if the cart exceeds € 60 (Italy) and € 100 (EU)
We only use certified ingredients of traced origin
The Viva Wallet payment platform uses the most up-to-date security certificates
Pack contents:
1x Ganja Vapor Concentrated Mini-Shot 10ml con CBD (Bottle A)
1x Super Skunk Concentrated Mini-Shot 10ml con CBD (Bottle A)
1x Monkey Rosin Concentrated Mini-Shot 10ml con CBD (Bottle A)
3x Glycerol (VG) 10ml (Bottle B)
Simple mixing instructions
All Mini-Shots (bottle A) have a larger capacity to facilitate mixing
Choice CBD:
CBD 200mg
CBD 500mg
Pay for 2 kits and receive 3